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Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

welcome little one!!


Hadden Elijah Glorioso-Mays

 Our wee one arrived late in the evening on August 3rd (just in time to share a birthday with his Auntie Elizabeth).  We are smitten!!!  He was wide awake for quite awhile, but this afternoon he is only interested in sleeping and being cuddled (I mean, who isn't interested in those things?).    We are all feeling great at this point!  Hadden has blue eyes and light brown hair.  You can't tell it from these pictures, but he has been very expressive when he's been awake - the nurses were laughing at all the funny faces he was given them the first night.  We'll post more pictures later, but here are a couple quick ones.  

From the doctors and residents to the nurses and techs, we've had the best staff during this hospital stay!  Here is the sign for his bassinet that one of the techs made.  :)

Hi, sweet boy!!

Someone is already proving to be a great papa.  ;)  He's been so great through this whole thing.

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